Let us consider a set of frequency-domain data , describing the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system transfer responses at frozen pulsations
Then, the objective is to construct a MIMO LTI model that either exactly interpolates the data (with dimension of minimal order
) or well approximate them (with dimension of order
This objective is slightly different from the model reduction one that considers an internal state dimensionality reduction. Here instead, given some discrete data, one seeks a LTI model that approximates them. This objective is in some sense close to the identification problem, but attacked from a different viewpoint, known as the interpolation problem. With respect to model reduction, here one talk of model approximation instead.
Let the data be represented by the variable sys = {w_i,H_i}
, gathering the N
pulsations and the corresponding nu
inputs, ny
outputs responses given as:
, a vector of positive pulsations of dimension N x 1
and H_i
, a ny x nu x N
matrix which index H_i(i,j,k)
represents the i
-th output, j
-th input, k
-th pulsation response of the system (i=1...ny
, j=1...nu
and k=1...N
), an ODE / DAE model of order r
), can then be obtained through the unified reduction interface mor.lti
as follows:
sysr = mor.lti(sys,r{,opt})
where the structure opt
enables to specify the reduction options which are detailled on the mor.lti
This method allows to either exactly match the data or perform an approximate interpolation.
Exact or approximate rational interpolation from input-output data.
Perform data-driven model approximation over a frequency-limited frequency range.
Approximate the data while enforcing the approximating model stability.
Approximate the data independently from their magnitude, in a eye ball fashion, using input-output scaling.
Given a time-domain simulator, obtain an approximation the transfer function.