Getting started with the MOR Toolbox

How to get started with model approximation and reduction?


The MOR Toolbox is aimed at simplifying and approximating (very large-scale and inifinite order) LTI dynamical models. The main approximation routine, called mor.lti, is focussed on

This "getting started" page aims at providing users, a procedure to reduce your first LTI model from a complex LTI state-space model, following (i), and to construct a LTI model from frequency-domain data set, following (ii).

Note that additional examples for cases (i) and (ii) are given on the "Systems represented by linear ODE / DAE" and "Systems described by frequency-domain input-output data" pages, respectively.

The MOR Toolbox also provides tools to analyse LTI dynamical models. Among them, the mor.learn performs a complete analysis of any finite dimensional LTI model, mor.norm computes norms of LTI models and mor.stability may be used to approximate the stability of a LTI (infinite dimensional) dynamical model. User is invited to refer to the "function reference" page for more details.

Perform your first model reduction and approximation

This short tutorial provides a procedure on the simplest way to start using the MOR Toolbox to reduce the dimensionality of a dynamical model and construct a model from data. In the following, some of the most usefull functions are used, introducing the philosophy of the toolbox.

Learn and reduce from a finite LTI model

The MOR Toolbox is tailored to LTI systems (both large-scale finite and infinite dimensional) and input-output data. In this first starting example, we consider the case where one has access to the LTI model and wants to reduce its complexity.

Construct and approximate a LTI model from frequency-domain data

The MOR Toolbox is tailored to LTI systems (both large-scale finite and infinite dimensional) and input-output data. In this second starting example, we consider the case of a time-delayed model where one only has access to a set of frequency-domain input-output responses.

This simple example shown how, from an infinite dimensional model (here delayed one), it is possible to construct a rational reduced order LTI model, more simple for control design, simulation, ...

Go further

The following sections provide detailed examples to discover the main features and advanced one, embedded in the MOR Toolbox.

Systems represented by linear ODE / DAE

Reduce LTI state-space models dimension.

Systems described by frequency-domain input-output data

Build an LTI model from a set of frequency-domain input-ouput data.

Function reference

Provide a detailed list of the functions and access to all tuning options.